/> BBC Landward Food van - Scottish Beef Jerky - Smoky Barrel Jerky – Smoky barrel jerky

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BBC Landward programme and Jerky Boston Beans!

Back in August this year we were contacted by the BBC to see if they could feature us in the next Season of the fantastic Landward programme. We were obviously delighted! They came to the smokehouse to film a few weeks later on what turned out to be decent day weather wise (fortunately) and I took Dougie Vipond through our whole process of making our high protein, ethically produced artisan Scottish Beef Jerky in our Sherry cask smokers.

We started with slicing the beef, then the marinade, air drying and finally smoking. He was very keen and got involved at many of the stages and he and the whole crew were funny and made me relaxed. I was quite nervous to be on the Telly and as I am also a Deacon blue fan was excited to meet Dougie.

He mentioned the fact that the UK spends over 3 Billion pounds a year on in between snacks and is a growing market for Jerky, which is as we know a great healthy source of protein and alternative to fatty, empty calorie snacks.

It was a real insight into how programmes are put together, not always in the order they are viewed, and with quite a few re-takes to make sure we had everything weneeded.


The Jerky that Dougie helped marinade and cook was eventually used in the Food van by him and Nick Nairn in the Landward 2019/20 Season episode 17   (On iPlayer) in Moffat. Dougie said they were adding “bling to the bean” by adding Jerky and cooking Jerky Boston beans. Which is an American staple normally served with BBQ meats.


I have cooked the dish since and it is delicious! Here is the link to the recipe: Boston Jerky beans Nick Nairn said our Smoky Barrel Jerky gave “a beautiful beefy smokiness to the dish” and was a “Taste sensation”. Nick also mentioned that he didn’t think the humble bean could be elevated to the heights it was in the dish, but it had been because of the little bit of smoky, rich, beefiness that the jerky brought to it.

If you missed the programme on Thursday, it, as well as the other interesting features are on BBC1 Scotland this coming Monday 21/10/19 at 7:30PM and of course available on the BBC’s iPlayer for a few weeks.

A great experience and a privilege to meet such a great group of people!


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